Booking Policies
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General Policies
- Check-in between 4:00pm - 9:00Pm
- Check-out before 11am
- Dishes
- Guests must properly wash all dishes prior to check-out. There is a $20 cleaning fee if you fail to do so.
- GST (goods and services tax) - 5%
- PST (provincial Sales Tax) - 8%
- MST (municipal tax) - 3%
Cancellation Policies
- If canceled up to 3 days before date of arrival, no fee will be charged.
- If canceled later or in case of no-show, the total price of the reservation will be charged.
- No money will be refunded if you choose to leave earlier than the check-out day reserved
Smoking Policy
- All of our rooms are No Smoking, however smoking is allowed outside of your room. Ashtrays are supplied, so please use them.
- There is a fee of $100.00 charged to your credit card if there is any smoking in the cabins or motels. No Exceptions.
Pets Policies
- There is a $20.00 fee extra per night.
- Pets must be kept under strict control at all times. Pets are not permitted outside without their owner or to be left unattended in the cabins.
- Owners are required to pick up their dog’s droppings at all times.
- Owners are responsible and will be charged for any damages or excessive cleaning caused by their pets.
Email Us
Overlook Inn and Cabins
734 Clearwater Village Rd.
BC, Canada